Tuesday 7 October 2014

Unclutter The Desk In Your Head! - Part 1

Good morning!  Welcome to my second blog series which I have called 'Unclutter The Desk In Your Head'.
It's a strange title,  but give yourself a few seconds to consider any picture this phrase brings up for you.

There are some mornings when people wake up and it is almost like they never switched off from work the previous day.  In fact,  they would have gone to bed thinking about work and maybe wake up feeling like they had a restless night.  Then they get out of bed having groaned about what's in store for their day at work.

It's not like this for everyone,  but I am writing this blog for those people who feel stuck in a job that feels beyond control and perhaps a little hopeless.

For some people,  the enjoyment of their job might have passed away simply because their workload has gone up and their current mental toolbox for dealing with that workload simply needs a refreshingly new approach.

So,  what is that 'desk in the head' phrase all about?  To put it simply,  if you imagine a 'work'  desk in your head. A place where all the different aspects of your work come together in your brain. When you look at that desk,  do you arrange items neatly or do they just get thrown on the desk in no order with the hope that you will sort them out later? Is it a clean desk or a  untidy desk?

In this blog series I am going to show you ways to unclutter that desk,  which translates to how to get your mind actively being in more control of your life so that you feel great and less stressed.

I am going to show you practical ways of thinking more effectively and creatively which will enthuse your work ethic and make you more successful.

How does that sound?

Stay tuned!

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