Friday 31 October 2014

Unclutter The Desk In Your Head! - Part 4 - Hitting the bullseye!

Welcome back!

My previous entries into this series have focused on getting your mind into the right frame of ...oh ,er, mind for getting things back in control.  I used the idea of the desk in the head because it is like we have a space in our minds where we allow cluttering to happen.  We fill our minds with distracting information that can often derail our process of getting back in control and being effective.

So what is in store for today's blog entry?

Today I am going to talk about targets.

You know how it is.  You have got something to do, an objective to reach and sometimes you are confident in getting there and sometimes you are not.  This entry focuses on the not.  So read on if you are a normal honest person who accepts that there are times when you struggle to achieve some things in life!

So you have something to do and you can't quite get engaged with it? Feel daunted?  Is your mind telling you that you will never get there?

If you have something in mind, just think about it for a moment.  Whilst you are thinking about it what are you feeling?  Give yourself a moment to examine what you are feeling.

If you are feeling daunted , fearful or just not confident, then ask yourself the following questions;

1) When do I need to get this done by?

2) Can my task be broken down into little targets that will help me to get to the big one once completed?

3) If I can break it down, then what is the first step?

4) What do I need to do to make that first step and when do I want to make it?

So often we look at the big things and worry about them not getting done, but often big things take preparation and so we need to look at the journey not just the end result.

Personally, I use a couple of tools for getting large objectives or targets reached and I will talk you through them in later entries.

So check back to find out what those tools are or if you want to know sooner email me at .

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